Roller-Coaster of a List

By Clare Sladden

A disclaimer: living in Australia means many Oscar contenders released late in the year in the US don't hit our cinemas until the New Year – so a bunch of films I'm sure’d be on this list don’t exist for us yet. With that said, here’s my list.

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME 2: I watched this film with my Mum, in an almost empty cinema: I laughed all the way through, and then literally sobbed at the end. I wasn't sure if maybe I was being overly dramatic with the sobbing, so I just rewatched the last scene on YouTube, and sobbed again, so... 

WONDER WOMAN: I walked away from Wonder Woman thinking, WOW, so this is what's it's like for men every time they go watch a super hero movie! I was elated! Ready to take on the world! I've only ever felt that way after one other film, which was the Ghostbusters reboot, but this was something else!

ALIEN: COVENANT: it's well known within my family that my Dad took my Mum to see Alien on their first date (she is neither a fan of horror nor sci-fi, and they're still together), so the franchise holds a special place in my heart. I loved Katherine Waterston as Daniels, and my only complaint was the (arguably) obvious twist at the end (also, I wanted more James Franco, because I love him).

JOHN WICK CHAPTER 2: so slick, so unbelievable, but yet SO GOOD. The fact that Keanu Reeves is like, THE BEST HUMAN BEING TO EVER HAVE EXISTED makes me love this franchise even more. 

ROUGH NIGHT: the fact that Rough Night showcased Ilana Glazer, Kate McKinnon and Jillian Bell (three of my favourite comedic actors) in the same film, made it one of my favourites.  

LOGAN: I love me some Hugh Jackman, and I loved this movie. Such a perfect, gritty end to an X-Men chapter. 

GET OUT: I feel as though Get Out was spoilt a little for me by all the hype (as well as trailers that gave away WAY too much information) but I can't deny it was a game-changer, and I'm looking forward to a second viewing. 

SPLIT: James McAvoy's performance was so nuanced that moments that could have been unintentionally funny in the hands of a lesser actor were powerful and frightening. 

THE BIG SICK: I am a romantic comedy tragic from way back, and I really enjoyed The Big Sick. Ray Romano was a highlight for me. 

I DON'T FEEL AT HOME IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE: quirky, strange, depressing and hopeful. This film went straight to Netflix after its festival run, and I found it oddly compelling. 

Clare is a 2017 alum of Stowe Story Labs, where she workshopped her feature script BROKEN HEAD. She was a semi-finalist in the 2017 Academy Nicholl Fellowship with the screenplay, which also won the inaugural Byron Bay Film Festival International Screenplay Competition. Among Clare’s current projects, she is completing a short film, DOLLS, and has wrapped production on a webseries, FREUDIAN SLIP, and has been awarded a place in the 'Inside the writers room' program, where she'll sit in with Goalpost Pictures during one of their writers rooms in 2018.

Still from Clare's film Freudian Slip

Still from Clare's film Freudian Slip

Still from Clare's film Dolls

Still from Clare's film Dolls