2014 NewEnglandFilm.com Story Labs Fellow Bianca Giaever launches story project

This note came to us from one of last fall’s fellows, Bianca Giaever, about her new and creative story project, in partnership with ‘This American Life’. Don’t miss the video, which is enchanting, and the video of the protagonist watching the video, which is so cool too:

For the past few months, I’ve been working on a making a videos for just one person – to help them say something they were having trouble saying.
The first video came out last week for Valentine’s Day. It’s from a woman named Maia to her boyfriend Alex. They’ve been dating eight years, but they’ve never said I love you.
The New York Times wrote an article about the video, and you can watch watch it on their website.

I made the video with the radio show This American Life and the production company m ssng p eces. Ira Glass wrote a blog post about the experience of making it, that you can read here. Or, if you have a shorter attention span, you can check out the Buzzfeed GIF coverage of the story here.

Lastly, try not to miss the video of Alex watching it for the first time. It’s really the best part. You can find that here.

Sending love,

Stowe Story Labs