Stowe Story Labs Announces Roster for 2nd Annual Sidewalk Narrative Lab

Stowe Story Labs is pleased to announce the 2020 Roster of Participants and Mentors to the August Sidewalk Narrative Lab

Being held remotely given the coronavirus crisis, we are pleased to announce the roster for our Second Annual Sidewalk Narrative Lab, taking place during Birmingham, Alabama’s Sidewalk Film Festival.

We are honored to work with these talented writers and industry mentors this summer.

Additionally, we would like to highlight our deep appreciation to the NEA for helping bring this community of artists together.

Congratulations all.


Kendra Arimoto and Justin Jeffers, Aptos, California and Seattle, Washington / BEFORE I DISAPPEAR – Drama Feature

Kacy Boccumini, Los Angeles, California / CALLBACK – Paranormal Thriller Feature

Peter Bohjalian, Stamford, Connecticut / OPPORTUNITY COSTS – Drama Feature

Stacy Brewster, Portland, Oregon / GARGOYLES & DANDELIONS – Drama TV

John Darbonne, Corpus Christi, Texas / VANILLA – Action Thriller Feature

Harrison Fowler, Athens, Tennessee / THE DAY THE SUN DIED – Sci-Fi Political Thriller Feature

Hunter Hadfield, San Francisco, California / JUNKER – Sci-Fi Drama Feature

Peter Haig, Los Angeles, California / A WAR ON TERROR – Drama, Psychological Thriller Feature

Wendy Halley, Northfield, Vermont / RAVEN’S DAUGHTER – Fantasy Drama TV Miniseries

Erica Jacobs-Ware, Elk Grove, California / UNTITLED COMEDY SERIES – Comedy TV

Joslyn Jensen, Van Nuys, California / SABERTOOTH – Horror Feature

Zorinah Juan, Brooklyn, New York / THE THREAT OF JOY – Dramedy Feature

Troy Kelly, St. Paul, Minnesota / INDIAN COUNTRY – Crime Drama Feature

Rachel Kempf, Los Angeles, California / SCARY NEW YEAR – Horror Feature

Serena Kim, Los Angeles, California / THE LUCK OF LUCY N – Drama TV

Martha Mendenhall, Winston-Salem, North Carolina / THE FAIR UNKOWN – Family Fantasy Feature

Denise Meyers, Mars Hill, North Carolina / LUCKY 13 – Historical Drama Feature

Tom Pearson, Birmingham, Alabama / YEAST – Single Cam Comedy TV

Jade Raybin, Fairfax, California / JAILBAIT – Modern Western, Neonoir Feature

Richa Rudola, Brooklyn, New York / ONE ROSE – Sci-Fi Thriller Drama TV

Kenneth Sanabria, Costa Rica / BLOOD AND ASH – Drama Thriller Feature

Rosa María Santisteban, Lima, Peru / THE INDIGO PROJECT – Political Sci-Fi Drama TV

Samantha Shada, Loveland, Colorado / THE SONG OF THE LARK – Romantic Drama Feature

Somica Spratley, Birmingham, Alabama / THE BONDSWOMAN – Horror Thriller Anthology Series

Estes Tarver, Raleigh, North Carolina / LETTING GO – Family Drama Feature

Elinor Teele, Gloucester, Massachusetts / THE SEAFARER – Drama Feature

Melanie Van Betten Jeffcoat, Birmingham, Alabama / SEE THROUGH THE MUD – Historical Drama Feature

Oliver Warren, United Kingdom and New York / THREE DATES WITH BEN – Dark Gay Romance Feature

Cynthia Wright, Brooklyn, New York / AVIATRIX – Drama TV

Mentors for August Narrative Lab:

Eszter Angyalosy, Hungary. Screenwriter and Script Consultant

Jonathan Duffy, California. Producer and Financier

Darrien Michele Gipson, California. Executive Director of SAGindie

Jenny Halper, New York. Production and Development of Maven Pictures

Chris Millis, New York. Screenwriter

Rachel Raimist, California. Television Director

David Pope, London. Writer/Director/Creative Producer

David Rocchio, Vermont. Writer/Director/Creative Producer

Thank you always to our Partners, Sponsors, and Friends!

Stowe Story Labs